Job 19.25-27

"As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my flesh is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God. Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes will see and not another, My heart faints within me." Job 19.25-27

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Suffering for the Cause of Christ (2 Timothy 2.9)

for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.

I was sixteen at the time I met the youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. He was a man of passion, and a 

man of God. He was young, energetic and had a heart for ministry. His preaching was full of conviction. He 

was a youth minister at a successful church. It was a stalwart in the community for almost forty years at that 

point. It was a comfortable church. The youth pastor challenged that. He got to preach to the congregation 

many times due to the health of the senior minister. The Lord used his preaching to get many right. I remember 

many going forward at the altar calls. He was fired a year later by the deacon board.

Fast forward some fifteen to twenty years in a different state. I met another youth minster. He was a different 

man than the other. He was not a great preacher or teacher. He was a great minister. The youth group 

exploded with life. Many were coming to Christ. Many were trying to live a better Christian life. The church 

became a light to the neighborhood. From kindergarten on up was solid. There were plenty of workers to 

do the work. Church had become a celebration. A couple years later he was forced to resign.

Those who live truly for Christ are those who rock the boat. They challenge the status quo. They are going 

against the grain of the world’s system. See right now the devil runs the world’s system. He runs most 

churches. Those who live for Christ are considered troublemakers. These two men I mentioned were deemed troublemakers.

How do we suffer as evildoers today?

Does your faith cost you something?