God the Son. (Jesus Christ)
- We have redemption and the forgiveness of sins through God the Son. Col. 1. 14
- God the Son is Superior in Creation Col. 1.15-18
- God the Son is the image of the invisible God. Col. 1.15
- God the Son is the firstborn of all creation. Col. 1. 15
- Jesus Christ is the Creator of the Universe. Col.1.15
- The Universe was created for God the Son. Col. 1.15
- God the Son existed before anything was created. Col. 1.17
- God the Son holds the universe together. Col. 1. 17
- God the Son is the head of the body of the church. Col. 1.18
- God the Son is to have first place in everything. Col. 1.18
- God the Son will stand upon the earth one day. Job 19.25
- I believe when Yahweh of hosts is used in the Old Testament it is referring to the pre incarnate Christ. (Isaiah 8.13-14
- Jesus Christ is fully God. (Colossians 1.19)
- God the Father sent God the Son to die on the cross for the sins of mankind. (Col. 1.20)
- Jesus Christ has made us holy and blameless in His sight. (Colossians 1.22)
- Jesus Christ has given us freedom. (Colossians 2.4-3.1)
- We know that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. (Col. 2.9)
- We are complete in Jesus Christ. (Col. 2.10)
- We have been spiritually circumcised by Christ. (Col. 2.12)
- We have been spiritual buried with Christ through a spiritual baptism. (Col. 2.12)
- We have been spiritual raised from the dead through faith in Christ. (Col. 2.12
- )God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead. (Col. 2.12)
- We have been forgiven of all our sins by Jesus Christ. (Col. 2.13)
- We have had all of our sins nailed to the cross by Jesus Christ. (Col. 2.14)