Job 19.25-27

"As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my flesh is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God. Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes will see and not another, My heart faints within me." Job 19.25-27

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to respond to Cultists at your door?

II Timothy 2.16
But shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.

Most of us here in the United States have experienced this in one way or another. You are busy doing whatever and you get a knock on the door. You open the door and usually there stands two people dressed up to the max. They begin talking and you quickly gather that they are either Jehovah’s Witness or Mormons.  How should we respond?

In Paul’s days different cults/heresies were growing as quickly as the church. He gives us an insight in how we are to act.  Verse fifteen states we need to continue our education of God’s Word so we can grow in Him. How does this education help us? Let’s take a look.

The word shun is to avoid deliberately or keep away from. Learning God’s Word helps us know what a cult or a heresy is. Avoid or stay away from anything that contradicts the Word of God. Scripture interprets Scripture.

I Peter 1.20-21
knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,  for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

Cult leaders are famous for twisting God’s words to deceive people. Satan did it with Adam and Eve.

Romans 16:17
 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.

We are not to associate ourselves with those whose doctrine is different from the word. A number of reasons why but here are a few:

You probably won’t change their minds.
They could shake your faith.
They might shake someone else’s faith.
You may give into anger instead of responding in love.
You give them importance that they should not have.
Cultists will be encouraged that you talked to them and will continue in their religious zeal.

Remember the devil does not care how he throws you off as long as he does. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and let God be God and you be you. Does this mean we should not present the gospel to them if the Holy Spirit leads?

Friday, June 22, 2012

TITHING IS NOT OF GOD by Jackie Osinski (Guest Blogger)

We all know that “The Law” was nailed to the cross.  No matter how you look at it tithing (or the giving of 10% of your income) was part of the law and it therefore is an old testament principal.  Why do so many preachers teach that we are FREE from the law yet preach tithing?  It is because they can’t completely trust God or His people to rightly give to the church.  They operate out of fear – not faith, control – not trust, condemnation  - not freedom.

If pastors were to truly begin to teach that the tithe is Old Testament half the churches in America would shut down – not such a bad start considering that many don’t have a move of God there anyways.  Pastors will even go as far to tell you that if you don’t tithe you are under a curse. Not true!  How much should you give? What should be the guidelines?

Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit would come He would guide us into all truth. Even giving? Yup.  So actually the tithe is the very antithesis of the New Testament principle of allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you as to how much you should give.

When I pastored a church I taught that we are to be led of the Holy Spirit as to how much we are to give.  We never lacked for anything.  We had excess. We were able to open a Baby Shop where several times a week we gave away everything from diapers, medicine, formula, cribs, baby food, bottles and pacifiers.  It was a very small church and people came from everywhere amazed at what God was doing in our small fellowship.  Yes, the Word of God is very clear that you should give.  Giving keeps the lights on, pays the bills, keeps the church functioning.  It is important to give. But there are too many people who give out of guilt instead of a joyful heart.

The Word of God gives us a clear mandate about giving

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God gives a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7

There should be two aspects when you give – joyfulness and desire.  You should give a certain amount because the Holy Spirit is leading you, not because you are feeling pressured.  When you do this you feel joy in giving, not a burden.

When I began teaching this principle I had several people tell me that they felt freedom and joy in the Lord, not a burden to have to give a certain percentage. Over the years Michael and I have given anywhere from 2% to 60% of our income. No matter how you look at it the giving should not be based on a percentage but on a heart decision of obedience. We always pray about it and ask the Lord to show us how much we are to give. Sometimes there was nothing to give and I would clean the church. There were times the Lord told us that we were to fix a single mom’s car and not give to the church that month.

When Believers are giving as directed by God it will all work out – there will be no lack.

Even when giving is sacrificial when it is done according to what God tells you to do and not what a pastor has said – there is always joy in it – not fear, guilt or condemnation.

Thank you Jackie for be willing to guest blog on my site. Please check out her blog at:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Continuing Education

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2.15

I remember memorizing this verse when I was young. I think every AWANA program or its equivalent has this verse to memorize. This verse is the Continuing Education Program for Christians. Diligence means constant effort to accomplish something. It also means to be attentive and persistent in what you are doing. This is what we miss. When we are saved, it is not over. It has just begun.

My wife was a nurse for fifteen years then she went back to school to be a Nurse Practitioner. Her occupational field demands she continue in her education. It is the same with teachers. We as Christians need to keep studying God’s word to learn more about Him. We should know more about God then we did a few years ago and so on and so on.

Jeremiah 9.24 states, “But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am Yahweh, exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth, for in these I delight,” says Yahweh.

Our knowledge of God should increase. When it does not we are put to shame. We are not doing the one thing that is so easy. This is our primary occupation. We are all full time ministers for Christ. Some just get paid to do it. God should consume our every thought and action. Every year I used to get a review or evaluation at my job. It told me what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. If I did not do a good job, I would get embarrassed, as I should.

1 Peter 3.15 states, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone that asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

How can we tell others about Christ if we do not know His word? If you do not take, God seriously why should others? We need to continue our Christian education. We need to be workers for God. The reason we need to do both of these two is so we know God’s word. So we can use it for His glory. One of the saddest things I see all the time are Christians who do not know God’s word. They are clueless. They believe whatever traditional tells them instead of rightly dividing the word of truth. How many cults come out of the Bible? It is all because people do not study God’s word. We get lazy. Satan counts on that. He tries to get us so involved in whatever that we have no time for God. God wants us to continue our education of Him so we know Him and His word and can tell others about Him.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Remind Them (2 Timothy 2.14)

14 Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.

Remind them of these things.” Remind whom? Remind them of what? Paul tells Timothy to remind Christians. Remind Christians of the four statements in 2 Timothy 2.11-13.  Remind seems to indicate that we need to be told over and over again. We forget we ignore we get caught up in our own lives. We need to be told again. Remember our citizenship is in heaven. We are here for a greater purpose. When we forget that, we deny God a part of our lives and then we are denied part of God’s blessings. Remind each other what our purpose is here on this earth. We are a part of God’s redemptive plan and He wants us to spread His word. Every action we make should have God’s redemptive plan on our minds. One of Satan’s big tricks is to get us distracted. He wants us to do other things that are not necessarily bad but they distract us from the plan of God. If he can do that, he has accomplished his mission.

not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.”

Paul tells us not to get involved in silly arguments. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree. Here is a good story for you. I grew up in a very strict Baptist church. They thought they were the only ones going to heaven. As I got older and moved away, I found myself not being able to find a Baptist church I liked. I tried a Christian church and they had many different beliefs than mine. I debated with some others I did not. I found that I did not change their mind and they did not change mine. I stopped debating and joined the church. I found out that Baptists were not the only ones going to heaven. I learned that yes, there are certain deal-breakers so to speak but there were none at this church. This taught me a powerful lesson in life.

There is no reason to argue with someone when you are not going to change his or her mind. God does not force himself on anyone. Let the Holy Spirit guide you when you are to speak for God. Make it faith and not religion. The only good that comes from two people arguing is ruin. It causes contempt, disdain and resentment. This ruins relationships and there will be no advancement of the gospel. Remember let the message offend not the messenger.